Meet the Team
Mediod team is assets for the company. Team core value is to help our customers grow their business without any hurdle. We support our customers 24/7. Our team is always there for the customers. At the same time, our team is like a family, work together, eat together, enjoy together and even travel together.

Zahid Mehmood
Founder, Senior ODOO consultant
Zahid is a certified ODOO functional and technical consultant. He possesses industry experience of six years and has previously worked with UET Lahore and Orbbec China. He has been working with ODOO since 2013 when it was OpenERP and has successfully implemented ODOO for over 15 mega clients.

Waseem Akhtar
Senior Business Developer
Waseem has been working with Mediod since its inception. He is known as a functional ODOO expert for the construction industry with 10 years of experience. At Mediod Consulting, he looks after all business development operations including the management of social media campaigns.

Azeem Akhtar
Senior Web Developer
Azeem has been part of Mediod Consulting since its inception. He has been a key resource in the planning and structure development of the company and its services. His expert, is lWordPresslesforce, Shopify, Laravel, core Php and wordpress development.

Imran Chahour
Client Relationship Manager.
Imran possesses 15 years of experience in business management in the Europe region He maintains active communication with the client and maintains client satisfaction.

Waqas Zafar
ODOO Developer
Waqas started his journey at Mediod as an intern and is now a full-time stack developer. He is an expert in Python, ODOO, and JavaScript. He is very well contributing to open-source projects in his free time.

Muhammad Baqir
ODOO Developer
Baqir has been a full-stack ODOO developer for 3 years. His major interest lies in WordPress and has been a team lead in most website development projects.

A.Rahman Khan
ODOO Developer
A.Rahman Khan is another ODOO consultant who joined as an intern and currently works as a full-time employee. He is the smartest in the lot with expertise in Research and Development responsible for most backhand expert solutions.

Muhammad Aqib
Junior ODOO Developer
Aqib is currently an intern at Mediod Consulting with projects in the backend of ODOO functions. He aspires to be one of our consultants with an interest in both backend and frontend ODOO functions.

Junaid Kashif
DevOPs Engineer
Junaid has been the face of Mediod’s develop solutions. He is the first ever content person with Pakistani clients and possesses expertise in ODOO functional and business workflows.

Ammar Qasim
ODOO Developer
Ammar is an ODOO frontend developer and has been the face of the few most secure and fast e-commerce solutions provided by Mediod Consulting.

Muhammad Faraz
ODOO Developer
Faraz is an expert in python and ODOO skills. He is the company’s invaluable resource as he is available round the clock to deal with all urgent ODOO problems for our clients.

Adil Waheed
Digital Marketing Specialist.
Adil handle digital marketing for our clients based in USA and Europe. He is very talented, dynamic and have excellent sense of market research.

Saba Kousar
HR & Finance
Saba joined us recently as HR & Finance Manager to help us streamline our HR and finance processes.